"Fixed the problem of calendar synchronization with phones based on S40. This site has hosted other versions of it in the past such as 3.8.48.Ět the moment, only the latest version is available.Changes in Nokia Suite v.3.8.10 Beta: "Numerous bug fixes, including in maps, messages, backup and restore. This is the full offline installer setup file for PC. The current version of Nokia Suite is 3.8.54 and is the latest version since we last checked. What versions of Nokia Suite are available?

As this software was designed for older versions of Windows, it may not run perfectly on Windows 10. Officially supported operating systems include 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP. You can always try running older programs in compatibility mode. Conversely, much older software that hasn't been updated in years may run into errors while running on newer operating systems like Windows 10. Older versions of Windows often have trouble running modern software and thus Nokia Suite may run into errors if you're running something like Windows XP. Does Nokia Suite work on my version of Windows? It's good practice to test any downloads from the Internet with trustworthy antivirus software. We tested the file Nokia_Suite_webinstaller_ALL.exe with 23 antivirus programs and it turned out 100% clean. Nokia Suite is available to all software users as a free download for Windows. This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system/platform without restrictions. Download apps, music, or free street maps, and back up important content. Move photos, videos, music, and more between the phone and the PC, and get the latest phone software. Use Nokia Suite 3.8.54 to get the most out of your phone and PC.